How to Change Your WordPress Domain Name

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4 min read

How to Change Your WordPress Domain Name

Changing your WordPress domain name can seem daunting, but it’s often a necessary step for rebranding, expanding your business, or improving your website's SEO. Whether you're moving to a new domain or simply tweaking your existing one, the process is manageable with some careful planning. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully change your WordPress domain name.

Step 1: Back Up Your Website

Before making any changes, it's crucial to back up your entire website. This includes your database, files, and any other data associated with your site. You can do this through a plugin like UpdraftPlus or manually via your hosting provider’s control panel. Having a backup ensures that you can restore your website to its original state if anything goes wrong.

Step 2: Purchase and Register Your New Domain

If you haven’t already purchased your new domain name, now’s the time to do so. You can buy a domain through registrars like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or even directly through your hosting provider. Once you have your new domain, register it with your hosting provider.

Step 3: Update WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL)

Next, you’ll need to update the domain name in your WordPress settings.

  1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > General.
  3. Update the "WordPress Address (URL)" and "Site Address (URL)" fields to reflect your new domain name.
  4. Click "Save Changes."

This action will change the domain name associated with your WordPress site, but it may cause temporary issues until the next steps are completed.

Step 4: Update Your Domain in the wp-config.php File

To ensure your new domain is correctly recognized, you need to update the domain in your wp-config.php file.

  1. Access your site’s files using an FTP client like FileZilla or your hosting provider’s file manager.
  2. Locate the wp-config.php file in the root directory of your WordPress installation.
  3. Download a copy for safety, then open it.

Add the following lines, replacing with your new domain name:
Copy code
define('WP_HOME', '');

define('WP_SITEURL', '');

  1. Save the changes and upload the updated file back to your server.

Step 5: Redirect Traffic from Your Old Domain to the New Domain

To avoid losing traffic and SEO rankings, you should redirect your old domain to the new one.

  1. Access your .htaccess file in the root directory of your WordPress installation.

Add the following code:
Copy code
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301,NC]

  1. Replace and with your old and new domain names, respectively.
  2. Save and upload the .htaccess file back to your server.

This 301 redirect ensures that visitors and search engines are automatically directed to your new domain.

Step 6: Update Your Google Search Console and Analytics

Lastly, update your Google Search Console and Google Analytics to reflect the change. This will help maintain your site's SEO health and ensure that your website’s performance is tracked under the new domain.

  1. Log in to Google Search Console and add your new domain as a property.
  2. Submit a change of address request for your old domain.
  3. Update your Google Analytics property settings to reflect the new domain name.


1. Will changing my WordPress domain name affect my SEO?

Yes, it can affect your SEO temporarily, but by following best practices like implementing 301 redirects and updating Google Search Console, you can minimize any negative impact.

2. Do I need to update internal links after changing the domain name?

Yes, internal links will need to be updated to point to the new domain. This can be done manually or through a plugin like Velvet Blues Update URLs.

3. How long will it take for the new domain to start working?

It may take up to 48 hours for the DNS changes to propagate globally, though it often happens much faster.

4. Can I change my domain name without affecting my existing website?

While changing the domain name will affect how your site is accessed, the content and structure of your website will remain unchanged. Backups and careful following of steps will ensure minimal disruption.

5. What if I encounter issues after changing the domain name?

If you encounter issues, you can restore your website using the backup created in Step 1. Alternatively, consult with your hosting provider or a WordPress expert for assistance.

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